Inspirebee animatic

OK. This animatic does not have much background behind it instead of the idea that I thought would be cool

I am pretty sure I was creating a short, snapshot of my life thing. I was half asleep creating it so I can't remember ha ha

It is unfinished and might not be finished but I will show what was done of it and some notes I had wrote down at the time about what I was aiming for

Here are the notes
Planning story plot
  • Logo and word introduction
    • Narration
    • Logo comes and goes first
  • Introduces Bethany in simple scenery
    • On the farm
    • On roof outside room
    • In blank room
    • In sky
  • Music begins/chaos begins
    • Falling
    • Imagination
    • Flashes of images
  • Introduces SIT
    • Intro to some fellow students
    • Set setting
  • Shows how far Bethany has to go
    • Struggles with emails
    • Innocent with words/people
    • Always with sister
    • Normal day at home snapshot
  • Introduces some personality to Bethany 
    • Positive
    • Bubbly
    • Creative
    • Excitable
    • Innocent
  • Introduces some struggles for Bethany
    • Afraid/shy with people
    • Being attacked
    • Friends near death
    • Overworking
    • Loneliness
  • Ties it all up with Bethany
    • Back to simple scene
    • Quote/ Inspirational
    • “I don’t know what I will do next, but I look forward to showing you”
    • “I still have a lot to learn but I look forward to the challenge”
    • “Many don’t understand me, but that’s OK”
    • “... Well, let me tell you my story”
    • “Many don’t know my story. Well you’re about to find out”:
  • End with short end animation of screen, Title now shown

And here is the animatic in it's current state
