Colour concepts try 2

I am looking into colour concepts for Brother Doctor (as a practice for the major project when SIT starts up again)

Here are some ideas I have practiced (in a random order)
Shadow and darkness of the room achieved. Maybe a more grey to suit the hospital setting? Or play with the objects colours to foreshadow events to come, like an orange spare or pastel item?
Hard orange lighting. To much orange for me, will upgrade the background for better prospective of the window to have it with a lot more blue/grey. Does help my understanding of the colour in this scene though
Much darker and greyer. Better. Lighting effect played with, will be updated. Need to look more into the sun's colour. Good plan
Very bright and happy. Will look more into having a yellower sky maybe. Light, happy, full of life. Good plan

These are it for now

Don't leave this page forever, I will be updating this page when I do more so stay tuned
