Internship Chance

OK. There is an internship chance I am gonna go for. Even if I don't get it, it is an experience so I will try to go for it

Here is the add
Now to look it up
It is based in Wellington, so if I was to get it, I would need to move up there for the first half of SIT getting started. It is for 2 months, February and March. Good thing I have been working all holidays to be ready at SIT :)

My main concern is that it is in Wellington, I don't know anyone up there, and I am a poor SIT student. I would need money to live really. But I do have the loan this year (I put it off for 2 years but this year is the year ha ha). Maybe the loan will help

Here is the link
Seems to be a more 2D animated with compositing within it. They like visual work with meaning like I do too. Wait no, they do everything. 3D, 2D, Wearable art, adds, etc. Lots of stuff to try. So I must create a show reel for them now. They have some really cool work so I will do my best
They have some really cool work
Very cute loading screen
Amazing reel as well. Just cool

Here it is, I tried my best
I hope they like my 2D work along with the effects/visuals I am always working on making it look the best :)

OK, I found better music that is more who I am, a happy bubbly person
I also think it fits in better than the dramatic one. I like it, but this one is a little nicer to watch I would say :D

Now, to put onto my website
Nervous, but giving it a try

Here is the email I will send
I hope all goes well. Should I have a cover letter? Maybe. I will work on one if I get an email back from them

This has been a good practice. I am happy to say that I have gained more confidence in messaging/emailing companies about internship stuff :D Even if I don't get it, I am happy
