After Effects team

OK. I have signed up to be on the After Effects team for group project
Adobe After Effects CC 2018 review | Creative Bloq
I look forward to creating great things

The shots are to be done today

Kang is the supervisor and will lead the way

Today is the first day

We are setting up the background and character animation

Now, we are setting up a really cool camera (perspective)

Here are the, how to do, notes
Projection Mapping
Save BG art as PNG (save the Background only, no need foreground)

In Maya:
Model the cave according to the background art (from cube)
Mesh Display > Reverse (to reverse the face)
Enable "Keep Hard Edge" on under the channel attribute
Smooth the mesh
Edit the cave mesh using lattice
Delete History
Create camera > turn on film gate > position it according to the shot > change camera settings under Render setting (HD 1080)
Lock the camera, then change the camera name to "projectedCam"

Select the cave model > Assign the material (Surface Shader)
Out color > File (right click mouse > Create as projection)
Proj Type > Perspective
Filter Type: Off
Assign the bg file

Cam Projection Attri:
Link to Camera: ProjectedCamShape

Create another camera

Render setting: Maya Software
Quality: Production Quality
HD 1080
Renderable camera: camera (NOT the ProjectedCam)
Render as PNG Sequence
Set the amount of frames according to shot
Rendering > Render > Batch Render

For Close up shots, mostly use dolly in or out for camera movement

Save as Maya ASCII

In the Maya ASCII file:
Create Locators > Snap it to the Cave Mesh
Delete the Cave Mesh (only keep the locators and camera)
Select the Locators
Export Selection as Maya ASCII

Import the ASCII file into After Effects

In After Effects-
C: Move between tools

Create Null > Make the layer 3D
Copy and Paste the position amount from Camera to Null
Delete the keyframes in Null
Parent or link the camera to Null
Scale the Null 100 bigger
Unlink the camera and Null

Copy the CH animation into the BG layer
Make the CH 3D

Create Adjustment Layer
Add Fast Box Blur
Repeat Edge Pixel (tick)

Save FG as PNG from psd
Import to AE

I put it into practice (I didn't have to, but I did)

I did it (need to work on PNG's exports)

We have a game plan

We will start with S02. Then move to S03. The last one is S04, as it is the biggest and hardest one with the most effects
