Day 2, After Effects team
Well, there is only Fabri, Kang and I. Vivi and Ramya cannot help this week
We had a chat and we will ask for help from Luqman and Saemi
Even if it is just for a short time, one day with one more person is better than none
I am working on S03, adding the backgrounds
Luqman is here. He and I are working on S03 backgrounds (I'm also upgrading/adding animations that are missing)
Lots of downloading to get the files
All forest backgrounds have been downloaded (thank you Luqman for helping the downloading thing for me)
It's coming together
I added animations from Kyle, and all background from 3g to 3r (not 3m)
Good. It is set up :)
Saemi is here
Now, to fix what I lost yesterday (the S04 scenes I lost be accident...). Restarted! Done
I want to improve my animation. The animation I handed in I know is second best... I don't like it. I want to do a good job for this team
Great work Oisin. His communication is great. I approve and think it is great!!
I moved into fixing the animation in S04 (including my own... Character animator didn't do me justice). Some were strange sizes and others had multiple characters
I added an eye glint and it made Kang laugh
Is that bad... I don't know ha ha. I made him laugh, that was a goal :D
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