Effects At Last!

I Am Finally Doing Effects!!

First I will add the pixel motion blur

Now I add the 2D swipe animation where needed

S03 is looking great with the grey effects added, and a little bit of swipe :D

The motion blur will be in the final film :)

2D Fazor will be animated when I have all the grey and swipe effects added

I now can see that I will finish this project on time :D

Oh yes. I am making good progress

Here are the shots with some effects so far (I will animate Fazor at home today)

So the beginning of the animation (but the opening scene) has most of the effects, excluding 2D Fazor

Good progress!

I think I will add the zooming lines to S07

This is what I've achieved today

I am going home now, but don't worry

I'll get it all done
